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  • Writer's pictureSunny Jadhav

Alternatives to sharemarket investing !!!

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Hey ,

In today’s newsletter, we would be exploring some traditional as well as non-traditional investment options.

When it comes to investing your hard-earned money people usually think there are just 2 options-

One is the very risky choice - investing in the share market by purchasing stocks or the all-time risk-free option - Fixed deposit.

But, there are many other alternatives for investment.

Some traditional investment instruments include the following:

  1. Mutual Funds - Medium risk, 6.5-7.8% Avg returns

  2. Government bonds - Low risk, 7.5% Avg returns.

  3. Gold ETFs - High risk, 10-11% Avg returns

  4. Real estate - Medium risk, 8-10% Avg returns

But, many new avenues have opened for non-traditional investment.

  1. Sustainable energy - You can now invest in green assets such as rooftop solar projects through platforms such as Susvest with an average yield of 10-11% Per anum

  2. Agriculture projects- Growpital is a platform that allows you to buy units in a farm project portfolio, on top of that the interest earned through this asset is tax-free. Avg return – 10-15%

  3. Startup equity- You need not be a Shark to invest in startups, now common people can also buy equity in startups through platforms such as Lets Venture, Tyke Etc

  4. Commercial property: You can start investing in commercial properties with platforms such as Grip Invest with as low as 50,000/- and at a return of 11%.

Learn more about these assets and choose the best investment option for yourself

Thanks a lot for reading, See you next week!!!

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