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  • Writer's pictureSunny Jadhav

5 Share market books in Marathi

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

As per CDSL, Maharashtra has the highest number of Demat account holders in India, and many are in search of the best share market books in Marathi. Hence, we have compiled a list of the 5 best books by Indian as well as foreign authors that would help you to improve your knowledge of the stock market and increase your profits.

Traders mostly use two types of analysis to buy a share. Namely, Technical analysis and Fundamental analysis. Hence, in this blog, we are recommending books in Marathi that provide knowledge for technical as well as fundamental analysis of stocks

List of share market books in Marathi

Why should you read Share Market books in Marathi?

In order to trade stocks in the share market is important to trace the performance of the stock frequently. Traders make use of many measures such as open price, close price, P/E ratio, Market Cap, Dividend etc. Traders analyze these measures to determine the performance of the stocks. This helps stock traders to decide whether to buy a stock or not.

Learning about these measures in your regional language Marathi will help you to easily understand the significance and impact of the measures. It will help you to decide whether a positive increase in measure {ex. positive increase of P/E ratio or Market cap} is a good sign or bad for the share. Hence, you can make better decisions before buying a new stock

How to Select the right share market book in Marathi?

Before selecting a book to study the share market you must be aware of the types of investment strategy. Mainly there are three types of investment strategies- Intraday trading, Swing Trading and Long term trading.

  • Intraday Trading- The trader buys stock when the market are open and sell them on the same day.

  • Swing Trading- In this type of trading the Investors hold the stock for atleast a couple of weeks or months and sell them when their targets are achieved.

  • Long Term trading- This type of investors usually hold the shares of a company for more than 1 year.

Once you are aware of the type of investment strategy that you want to execute you can now decide the type of analysis you must learn.

Intraday traders and Swing traders usually prefer technical analysis to make decisions regarding buying or selling stocks. Whereas, Long terms traders select stocks based on fundamental analysis.

  • Technical Analysis - It has been observed that, historically, the change in stock price usually takes place in certain patterns. The study of these patterns and the procedure of selecting stock based on the pattern in which stock price is changing is known as Technical analysis

  • Fundamenta Analysis - During fundamental analysis investors/ traders anayze the financia statements of a company, asses market growth potential, market size and competitors before buying shares of a company

Both of the analyses have thir own pros and cons. You must choose a book based on type of investment strategy that you are planning to deploy and the required type of analysis

List of Share market books in Marathi

Now that we have a basic understanding of the type of book you must buy here are the best books available in Marathi to learn about share market investing.

1. The Intelligent Investor

बेंजामिन ग्रॅहमचे द इंटेलिजंट इन्व्हेस्टर हे दीर्घकालीन गुंतवणूकदारांसाठी सर्वात उपयुक्त पुस्तकांपैकी एक आहे. हे पुस्तक शेअर मार्केटमधील विविधीकरणासारख्या विषयांची ओळख करून देते आणि सुरक्षित आणि सातत्यपूर्ण नफा मिळविण्यासाठी मूल्य व्यापाराबद्दल जाणून घेण्यास मदत करते.

Rating: 4.4/5

Price: 418 Rs

2.Bhartiya Sahre Bazarachi Olkh

जितेंद्र गाला यांचे हे पुस्तक नवशिक्यांसाठी आहे आणि शेअर बाजार, म्युच्युअल फंड, आयपीओ, डीपी आणि शेअर मार्केटमध्ये गुंतवणूक कशी सुरू करावी यासारख्या मूलभूत गोष्टींचा परिचय करून देते.

Rating: 3.9/5

Price: 199 Rs

3. Intraday Tradingchi Olkh

हे पुस्तक इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंगसाठी नवशिक्यांसाठी मार्गदर्शक आहे. हे इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंगच्या मूलभूत गोष्टींवर लक्ष केंद्रित करते आणि इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंगसाठी एंट्री आणि अस्तित्वात असलेली रणनीती शिकण्यास मदत करते, ट्रेड करण्यासाठी दिवसाची सर्वोत्तम वेळ, इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंगसाठी स्टॉक कसा निवडायचा, तांत्रिक विश्लेषण इ.

Rating: 3.9/5

Price: 225 Rs

4. Technical Analysis Aani Candlesticksche Margdarshan

या पुस्तकाद्वारे वाचकांना candle sticks, technical indicators, स्रॉक निवडण्याच्या धोरणांबद्दल शिकता येईल आणि तांत्रिक विश्लेषणासह कॅरेट पॅटर्न इ. चार्ट पॅटर्न इ.

Rating: 4.1/5

Price: 230 Rs

5. Sharesche Fundamental Analysis

हे पुस्तक वाचकांना मूलभूत विश्लेषणाच्या मूलभूत गोष्टींची ओळख करून देते आणि उद्योग विश्लेषण, आर्थिक विश्लेषण, कंपनी विश्लेषण यासारख्या विषयांची ओळख करून देते. ताळेबंद, नफा आणि तोटा विवरणपत्रे, रोख प्रवाह इ. कसे वाचावे यावर ते लक्ष केंद्रित करते.

Rating: 4.3/5

Price: 270 Rs

There are many books available in the market that would begineers in the share market to learn how stock trading and invetment works but many of these books are written and english and are less relevant to the indan markets. They conntain strategies and concepts relevant to foreign makets. Hence we have made an sincere atempt to make a collection of 5 share market books in marathi that are much relevant to traders in the Indian share market.

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